Thursday, December 9, 2010


Child's Name:
Please rate the severity of each problem listed.
(0)none (1)slight (2)moderate (3)major
Your Name:
Subject (if teacher):
Please add comments below!
Symptom Description
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Trouble attending to work that child understands well

Trouble attending to work that child understands poorly

Impulsive (trouble waiting turn, blurts out answers)

Hyperactive (fidgity, trouble staying seated)


Homework not handed in

Inconsistent work and effort

Poor sense of time

Does not seem to talk through problems


Easily overwhelmed

Blows up easily

Trouble switching activities

Hyper-focused at times

Poor handwriting

Certain academic tasks seem difficult (specifiy)

Seems deliberately spiteful, cruel or annoying

Anxious, edgy, stressed or painfully worried

Obsessive thoughts or fears; perseverative rituals

Irritated for hours or days on end (not just frequent, brief blow-ups)

Depressed, sad, or unhappy

Extensive mood swings

Tics: repetitive movements or noises

Poor eye contact

Does not catch on to social cues

Limited range of interests and interactions

Unusual sensitivity to sounds, touch, textures, movement or taste

Coordination difficulties

Other (specify)

If the child is on medication, please answer the following questions:
  1. Can you tell when the child is on medication or not?
  2. Does the medication work consistently throughout the day?
  3. Does the child appear to be on too much or too little medication?

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